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Canon City Spur Co - Jack Ferguson

Birth place or City of origin:
State of origin:
Last known City: Akron
Last known State: CO
Start/Birth date: 1942
Death/End date:

Jack Freguson was a prolific buckle maker before starting to make Canon City style spurs in 1991. Jack started visiting the Canon City prison when he was 11 to see his oldest brother Charles, who was an inmate there developing a keen interest, at an early age, in that style of engraving and spur making. He also makes other styles of Texas spurs preferring the McChesney syle. Jack has co-authored three books including The Concise Guide to Contemporary Spur Makers, Vol 1 (1995), Vol 2 (1998) and Vol 3 (2003) the well respected Canon City Spur: Colorado Prison Spurs and The Men Who made Them (1995)


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