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Dr. Harry Niblack

Birth place or City of origin:
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Start/Birth date: 1894
Death/End date: 1966

Dr. Harley Niblack, (1894-1966) started as a pharmaceutical salesman prior to becoming a Denver chiropractor. By inventing a weight-reducing machine, he became financially secure at the age of 42 and took up carving and animation with a vengeance. He started with carving faces in peach pits.

Niblack worked with Disney Productions on animation projects, and created dioramas with motorized figures that were so appealing that the Smithsonian Institute exhibited them. In addition to his hundreds of figural carvings, Niblack created his own version of Western furniture. As a credit to his folk art skills, the National Museum of Woodcarving was erected in Custer, South Dakota, with Harley Niblack's work as its most prominent collection.

Thanks to Dale Schaffer, National Museum of Woodcarving, for sharing information on Dr. Niblack.


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