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Ross Brunk

Birth place or City of origin: Sheridan
State of origin: WY
Last known City:
Last known State: MT
Start/Birth date:
Death/End date:

I had the privilege of growing up in the cowboy and leather culture of Sheridan Wyoming. Horses and cowboys have always been the main passion that I have pursued. My father, a western artist, made sure that I developed an appreciation for fine art at an early age by introducing me to a variety of styles and artists. His bookshelf was always full of reference material, from Norman Rockwell to Charlie Russell, Tissot, and many more. At the age of fourteen, I was working for Don Butler, at the Custom Cowboy Shop. That is where I learned craftsmanship as well as the finer points of quality leather work. During this period I also had the privilege to work with Paul Van Dyke. He has been a driving force behind my style. My wife, Katie, and I reside in Montana where I own and operate Northern Range Cowboy Gear.


High Noon  |  9929 Venice Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90034  |  |  (310) 202-9010

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