blue and white lines

Doug Krause

Birth place or City of origin:
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The saddle making part of my career began with an apprenticeship with T. J. Holmes in Cheyenne, WY --- though my training and travels to learn my trade, never ended there. My first trip to California in the late 70's confirmed my desire to be there --- the culture, the saddle making style, the history. That deep yearning drew me here and continues today. My work has been inspired by many --- Don King, Chester Hape, Lloyd Davis, Chuck Stormes, Rick Ricotti and Gaylerd Thissle. They and many others have guided my work through their words and through their work. I try always to show respect to those who came before --- to their art and to their works, yet always seek to follow my own path. The artistic constrictions on our trade have seemed to loosen of late, it is great to experience that.


High Noon  |  9929 Venice Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90034  |  |  (310) 202-9010

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