Birth place or City of origin: | Napa |
State of origin: | CA |
Last known City: | San Francisco |
Last known State: | CA |
Start/Birth date: | 1876 |
Death/End date: |
J.R. Lamdin (1876-1955), San Francisco, California Cowgirl Parade Spurs with gold chap guard buttons and rowel pin covers, monogrammed sterling silver scalloped conchos affixed to two-piece floral carved and lined leathers
Joseph R. Lamdin was born in 1876 in Napa, California. He moved to the Bay Area after the turn of the century and eventual set-up shop in San Francisco on Harrison Street in 1940. Lamdin specialized in ornate silver mounted monel bits and spurs supplying both the Visalia Stock Saddle Company and Olsen-Nolte Shop. He utilized a distinctive shell motif on either side of his central concho adornment often embellishing his pieces with a 4-petal flower.