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Frederic Kimball Mizen

Birth place or City of origin: Chicago
State of origin: IL
Last known City:
Last known State:
Start/Birth date: 1888
Death/End date: 1964

From early on in his life, Frederic heard stories of the West from his father, who had been secretary to three generals active on the frontier. Born in Chicago, he studied at the Art Institute of Chicago. During his early career he illustrated for Sears, Coca Cola as well as magazine covers including Saturday evening Post, the American ad Colliers. He also creatively worked for automobile manufacturers to promise travel, creating illustrations for Oldsmobile, Cadillac, Packard and others. Throughout his career he traveled to the West, eventually establishing his own art school in Chicago, but continually taking students to Taos during the summers. There he painted with Walter Ufer, a great friend and influence.


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