Birth place or City of origin: | Portland |
State of origin: | OR |
Last known City: | |
Last known State: | |
Start/Birth date: | 1872 |
Death/End date: |
The only record of this company occurs within the year 1872. There were no residents of the
Portland area by that name in the 1870 census. In 1872 the address was listed as Front and
Yamhill. A Joseph Lawless is in later census reports, but he was a printer. No “R” Lawless has
been identified.
It is possible that a satellite branch of the Lawless Saddlery of San Francisco made a trail run at
the Portland market in 1872. An M. Lawless ran a saddlery on Sansome Street in San Francisco in
1863, and the name George Lawless appears in 1882 at 115 Market Street. In addition, that same
year, J.C. Lawless and Co. ran a harness and saddlery firm at 5 First Street, San Francisco.
1870 Federal Census, Multnomah County
1880 Federal Census, Multnomah County
McCormick's City Directory, Portland, 1872- microfilm, Oregon State Library
San Francisco City Directories for 1863 and 1882, on line-
Courtesy of Richard and Dorothy Egan
Research by Richard and Dorothy Egan