Birth place or City of origin: | Higgins |
State of origin: | TX |
Last known City: | Hollis |
Last known State: | TX |
Start/Birth date: | 1913 |
Death/End date: | 1999 |
Frank Bradney was born March 24, 1913 in Higgins, Texas. He learned blacksmithing fom his father. In the 1930s he made bits and spurs in Canon City, CO working part of the time with Isaac Stephenson. Bradney marked his spurs F.B. on the heelband by the button before 1937 and BY F.B. from 1937 to 1964. In the 1940s he moved to Amarillo, returning to Colorado in the early 1960s. Frank was incarcerated in the Colorado State Penitentiary at Canon City in February of 1965 but returned to spur making in Colorado, Arizona and then Texas after his parole in the 1970s. In 1988 Bradney moved to Hollis, Texas where he subsequently died in a nursing home there in 1999.