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Gary Keithley

Birth place or City of origin: Melba
State of origin: ID
Last known City:
Last known State:
Start/Birth date: 1951
Death/End date:

Born in 1951 in Council, Idaho, Gary made his first bit while working on his family’s Idaho ranch with the help of Kenneth Queen, a close family friend who had worked as a ranch hand for Gary’s grandfather in the 1930s. Keithley continued to make a few bits and spurs for his own use and after high school, earned a degree in Range and Ranch Management taking various jobs in California and Idaho until 1988 when he became a contract saddle maker for Billy Cook Saddlery and Harness. In 1990, Gary opened his own saddle and leather goods business -- MK Custom in Caldwell, Idaho. In 1993 he received a Traditional Arts fellowship from the Idaho Commission for the Arts to study at the Miller Bit and Spur School where he was taught by Gary Weber. Gary is married to Linda Morton and works full-time in his home-based shop as both a saddle maker and silversmith.


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