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The Laramie Grocery Company

Birth place or City of origin: Laramie
State of origin: WY
Last known City:
Last known State:
Start/Birth date:
Death/End date:

Joseph Lohlein who was in partnertship with Gus Sigwart in Laramie, WY from 1892 until 1908, took over the operation of the tack and saddle division of the Laramie Grocery Co after their partnership dissolved and before joining the Laramie Saddle company. The LGC operated at the corner of Garfield and 2nd Street in Laramie with T H Simpson as President and Manager, H Hegewald as VP and H R Ingham as Secretary. In addition to saddles and tack, they sold groceries, hardware, Queensware Harness, Wagons and Agricultural implements. Their circa 1909 catalog showed a variety of high-back, fully floral, tooled saddles available on Nelson, Visalia or Taylor trees. They also sold scabbards, quirts, spurs, spur straps, bits, bridles, saddle bags, and both leather and angora chaps.


High Noon  |  9929 Venice Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90034  |  |  (310) 202-9010

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