Birth place or City of origin: | Weymouth |
State of origin: | MA |
Last known City: | Pebble Beach |
Last known State: | CA |
Start/Birth date: | 1962 |
Death/End date: |
Brian Blood’s work attempts to capture a sense of time and place, showcasing the beauty of the West in the spirit of the California Impressionist tradition.
Unlike most Western painters, Brian identifies closely with the ocean and boats. A northern California artist, Blood has a deep connection with the sea, especially around the Monterey area and Point Lobos.
From the time he decided to become a professional artist, Blood was able to support himself, as owner of a publishing company and as an illustration and graphic artist. Primarily a plein air painter he created scores of studies that capture the ever-changing light of the scene he will later paint.
Back in his studio he blends the studies, reference photographs, and his recollections of the scene in works noted for their dynamic brush strokes and the sense that the artist has selected the “perfect time and place” for his canvases.
Biography courtesy of the Eiteljorg Museum (