Birth place or City of origin: | Medford |
State of origin: | WI |
Last known City: | Parker |
Last known State: | CO |
Start/Birth date: | 1942 |
Death/End date: |
Gerald Balciar’s fascination with art began when he was a young boy. Growing up in rural Wisconsin, he was fascinated by the wild animals in the woods near his home and taught himself to sketch them. In 1964, after learning to work in clay, he cast his first bronze and later began to carve in stone as well.
Balciar’s empathy for animals, enhanced by careful research and occasional work from live models, forms the basis for his sympathetic portrayals of wildlife, which are admired by zoologists and wildlife advocates. His creations are often made from marble, quarried near his studio.
Biography courtesy of the Eiteljorg Museum (