Birth place or City of origin: | Chicago |
State of origin: | IL |
Last known City: | Tucson |
Last known State: | AZ |
Start/Birth date: | 1951 |
Death/End date: |
Born in Chicago but growing-up in Tucson, Arizona, Bill got his first leather tools on his 8th birthday. He cowboyed, rodeoed, and wrangled during his teen years while doing leatherwork for himself and for resale. With pointers from several old saddle makers in the area, Heisman made his first saddle in 1970 and his first pair of spurs shortly thereafter. Studying the distinctive ornate vaquero style while at the Miller Bit and Spur School in Idaho, Bill evolved quite rapidly to become the undisputed master of the contemporary California historic spur revival in the 1980s and 1990s with his dazzling and detailed pieces. Bill was a founding member of the TCA (Traditional Cowboy Artists) in Oklahoma City back in 1998 is still considered one of premier contemporary western craftsmen though health issues have curtailed his production in recent years.