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Whitney Darrow

Birth place or City of origin: Princeton
State of origin: NJ
Last known City:
Last known State:
Start/Birth date: 1909
Death/End date: 1999

Whitney Darrow was born in Princeton, NJ, where his father was one of the founders of the Princeton University Press. Growing up in Greenwich, CT, he wrote parodies for his school paper. In 1931 he graduated from Princeton, where he wrote a humorous column for The Daily Princetonian. He thought about being a writer but seemed to move naturally into drawing. He studied with Thomas Hart Benton and other artists at the Art Student’s League, and in his early 20s began selling cartoons to Judge, Life and College Humor. In 1933, at 24, he made his breakthrough to The New Yorker where he gained international fame. Darrow had a close personal relationship to Will James as one of the principals at Scribners Publishing House. Scribners probably had more to do with James’ success than any other entity. Darrow was a great advocate and promoter of James’ work.


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