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Jay Adcock

Birth place or City of origin: Sedan
State of origin: KS
Last known City:
Last known State:
Start/Birth date:
Death/End date:

Acclaimed braider Jay Adcock of Sedan, Kansas, got his first taste for working with cowhide at his granddad’s side on the Cobb Ranch in Ramona, Oklahoma. When he was 16 his mother made it possible for him to spend two weeks with renowned North West Coast braider, Frank Hansen, in Lakeview, Oregon. Working on various ranches across the country, Jay found he could always sell or trade usable rawhide horse gear. On about every outfit where he worked, there was usually somebody doing something with rawhide. In 2006, Jay received the “Braider of the Year” award, by the Will Rogers Academy of Western Artists.


High Noon  |  9929 Venice Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90034  |  |  (310) 202-9010

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