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Charles Schridde

Birth place or City of origin: Chicago
State of origin: IL
Last known City:
Last known State:
Start/Birth date: 1926
Death/End date:

Charles Schridde was born in 1926 in Chicago, but spent his childhood on a farm in a rural part of Illinois. His father died when Charlie was seven years of age forcing the rest of the family to move back to Chicago to find work. He received an art scholarship to the Chicago Art Institute at the age of 17. His schooling was interrupted by the war. Beginning with Laguna Beach Plein-air, and crossing over to Western Art, at the age of 68 Charles Schridde began to paint again. Of his paintings of Native American women, and the wild west, a writer from Southwest Art wrote: “Schridde has become equally skilled at painting landscapes and figures, achieving dramatic effects of light, color and movement.”


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