blue and white lines

(John) Henry (Hy) Hintermeister

Birth place or City of origin:
State of origin: Switzerland
Last known City:
Last known State:
Start/Birth date: 1869
Death/End date: 1945

Father: “John” Henry “Hy” Hintermeister - Swiss 1869-1945;
Son: Henry Hintermeister - American 1897-1972. BP New YorK, NY

John worked with several calendar art companies including Brown and Bigelow, The Osborne Co., Louis F. Kemper Thomas and American Art Works. From the 1890s to the 1940s. John, along with his son, Henry, worked together producing over 1,050 illustrations that were reproduced as prints and as jigsaw puzzles. Both artists used identical signatures making distinction of their work nearly impossible. Both Hintermeisters' works display a sense of humor, whether depicting setter pups or friends' fishing antics. They were a prolific and well-respected team.


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