blue and white lines

W Steve Seltzer

Birth place or City of origin:
State of origin:
Last known City:
Last known State:
Start/Birth date: 1955
Death/End date:

Steve Seltzer grew up with the influence of his grandfather, O C Seltzer's western artwork and that of their close friend Charles M Russell. Steve had always held an interest in art, the influence apparent even in Steve's earliest pieces, which often feature western subject matter. It was not until the mid-70s, after graduating from Montana State University and working in the architectural and real estate fields, that Steve decided to concentrate on his passion for painting. Multiple-award-winning artist Steve is quick to explain, "Subject matter comes second to the atmosphere, the feeling, the flavor I want to create." It is this belief that allows Steve to continue painting with such variety. Whether the subject is Western or impressionistic, his goal is to suggest rather than describe, to allow the audience to create its own interpretations.


High Noon  |  9929 Venice Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90034  |  |  (310) 202-9010

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