blue and white lines

Kevin Burns

Birth place or City of origin: Borger
State of origin: TX
Last known City: Texas Panhandle
Last known State:
Start/Birth date: 1962
Death/End date:

Kevin was born in 1962 in Borger, Texas. He started breaking horses at 13, cowboying at various ranches in the panhandle and punching cows for the Coldwater Ranch, north of Amarillo. Kevin is pretty much self-taught, crediting Jerry Cates for refining his talent. In 1982, while cowboying for the Coldwater Cattle Company, Kevin ordered a bit and a pair of spurs from Jerry Cates. Once Kevin’s order was filled by Mr. Cates, he was amazed at the talent that went along with the building of good solid using gear. Before too long, Kevin decided to spend time with Mr. Cates in his shop learning the trade of bit and spur making. Later that year, Kevin opened his door and started making custom cowboy gear on a full time basis.

Burns has a talent for implementing highly dramatic and artistic designs. He has had the privilege of making several pairs of spurs for J Martin Basinger. Kevin is a natural artist and his overlay work is precise, detailed, powerful, and distinctive.

Burns enjoys working freehand designing flowers, leaves, and longhorn bulls. The most unusual commission that he has been asked to build was a request from Dr. Glenn Blodgett of the 6666 Ranch, who wanted a horse sperm design on one side of his spurs. Burns pieces are highly sought after by cowboys on the ranch and collectors all over world.

Kevin is married and has a son and a daughter. He is a full-time maker; in his spare time he can be found managing his yearling cattle operation in the Texas Panhandle.


High Noon  |  9929 Venice Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90034  |  |  (310) 202-9010

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