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J S Collins - J S Collins

Birth place or City of origin: Cheyenne
State of origin: WY
Last known City:
Last known State:
Start/Birth date:
Death/End date: 1910

John S Collins learned saddle making from his father, Eli and subsequently opened his first shop in Omaha, NB with his brother, Gilbert in 1864. John moved to Fort Laramie, WY in 1872 and opened the Cheyenne store in 1876. Collins carried a large variety of saddles and horse gear mustering an effective advertising program to promote both themselves and their stores. Catering to the Texas cowboy, Collins was comparable in quality and style to Gallatin and Meanea and it was reported that Buffalo Bill and Teddy Roosevelt both used Collins saddles at one time. J S went into business for a time with John Morrison but ultimately sold all the stores to Alfred Cornish. Collins died in 1910.


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