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Keyston Brothers

Birth place or City of origin: San Francisco
State of origin: CA
Last known City:
Last known State:
Start/Birth date: 1868
Death/End date: 1950

Main and Winchester recruited Samuel Keyston in 1867 to manage their whip department in San Francisco, but son, James, decided to open his own business in 1868 that ultimately became the cornerstone for the popular and prolific bay area saddle shop. Shortly after the 1906 earthquake, Keyston expanded into saddlery and harness with the acquisition of competitor, J C Johnson, followed by the purchase of the legendary Main Winchester and Stone in '08 -- making them the largest shop of its kind on the West Coast. The brothers prospered and expanded into the 1920s when they were acquired by W Davis and Son. However, as the horse and buggy era began to decline, Keyston changed with the times by initiating a junior cowboy line with their highly successful Lasso ‘em Bill label. Fancy silver parade saddles, trophy buckles and accessories filled the cash register after WWII, leading to prosperity and their eventual acquisition of the Denver based Hermann Heiser Company in 1950.


High Noon  |  9929 Venice Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90034  |  |  (310) 202-9010

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