blue and white lines

Robert Amick

Birth place or City of origin: Canon City
State of origin: CO
Last known City:
Last known State:
Start/Birth date: 1879
Death/End date: 1969

Robert Wesley Amick (1879-1969) was born in a log cabin in Canon City, Colorado amidst cowboys, prospectors and Indians: all the characters on the western stage. Amick earned a law degree from Yale University while also taking art courses. After practicing law for two years in Ohio, he became a full-time artist, taking private lessons and studying at the Art Students League. He did illustrations for Harpers, Scribners, The American, and other publications, but was most comfortable with subjects from the life of his background. He worked as a printmaker, illustrator, painter and teacher. His western scenes of brilliantly colored landscapes with horses and riders became quite popular, and twelve of them were reproduced as prints for the public schools.


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