Birth place or City of origin: | Stamford |
State of origin: | TX |
Last known City: | |
Last known State: | |
Start/Birth date: | 1943 |
Death/End date: |
Born in Stamford, Texas, in 1943, Wayne has been a professional western artist for over 30 years and was elected to the prestigious Cowboy Artists of America in 1995. His work focuses primarily on contemporary ranch life where he usually works in oil, painting mares and colts, cows and calves.
Based in the heart of the Texas ranch country, Wayne Baize paints a way of life influenced by generations of family ancestors that have lived and worked close to the land. His oil paintings portray the everyday routine of the working cowboy, both past and present. Elected to the organization in 1995, Baize was the recipient of the Silver Medal for Drawing at the 1997 CAA show.