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S C Gallup - S C Gallup

Birth place or City of origin: Denver
State of origin: CO
Last known City: Pueblo
Last known State: CO
Start/Birth date:
Death/End date: 1920s

Samuel Caldwell (SC) Gallup was the younger brother of Francis Gallup who learned his craft at Gallatin and Gallup Saddlery in Denver. Opened saddlery in Pueblo, CO in 1869. Frazier joined firm in 1880 later forming a partnership that lasted from 1892-98. Gallup's catalogs would stress that he was the originator of the Pueblo Style saddle, a point contested by others. Sam died in 1904 and Judith Gallup took over the reins until 1911. James Wimmer was president from 1912-1921 and the saddlery closed in the early 1920s with his death.


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