Eat rice in its healthiest and wildest form! Wild rice (also called Canada rice, Indian rice, and water oats) was essential to survival of the First Peoples who occupied North America’s central woodland lakes region thousands of years ago. It was cultivated by the local Chippewa and called manoomin (derived from min, meaning seed and Minido, the name for the providing spirit) in Wisconsin, Minnesota and Canada. A protected crop, it is grown and gently harvested from canoes by hands and wooden flails. If you cannot obtain Wisconsin wild rice, purchase available wild rice from your local store but do not mix with other rice. Keep it pure and flavorful!
Canadian Wild Rice
8 oz long-grain Wisconsin (or other) wild rice
8 Tb (1 stick( butter
1 lb sliced mushroom
½ tsp salt & black pepper to taste
1/3 DRY sherry
Rinse rice until all water is clear. Bring 5 cups of water to boil. Stir in rice and reduce heat so liquid is just simmering. Cover and cook until grains JUST begin to pop (approx. 40 minutes). Do not overcook. Drain excess liquid from rice and side aside.
In a separate pan melt butter and cook mushrooms until golden brown and season with salt and pepper. Add sherry and reduce until liquid is almost evaporated. Add to prepared rice and adjust salt and pepper.
PS from Linda: I just ordered 5 lb bag of Canadian grown from ( and cannot wait to try it!
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