blue and white lines

Billy Klapper

Birth place or City of origin: Lazare
State of origin: TX
Last known City: Pampa
Last known State: TX
Start/Birth date: 1937
Death/End date:

Billy Klapper, named spur maker of the year by the Academy of Western Artists in 1998, is one of the very few living spur makers that were trained by the spur makers of old pulling his experience and influence from legendary Texas makers such as Adolph Bayers. Klapper, now 83 years old, learned to make the spurs all by himself.

Although Klapper began to make spurs earlier than 1966, that was the year when he began to mark them with individual serial numbers and markings. He has over 680 patterns the he utilized but also accommodated custom spur designs.

Working with a small coal forge in his Pampa workshop, Klapper made one piece spurs from dawn until dusk and his dedication and the quality of his designs help them sell themselves. Klapper is also one of the remaining makers that would be able to copy old designs from other makers or repair broken or damaged items or replicate lost ones. Billy made an average of 200 pairs of spurs with a insurmountable waiting list. year


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