blue and white lines

John Nieto

Birth place or City of origin:
State of origin:
Last known City:
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Start/Birth date: 1936
Death/End date:

John Nieto’s work reflects his upbringing from Hispanic and American Indian parents whose New Mexican roots can be traced back over 300 years. His unfettered use of brilliant colors and distinctive style with a combination of subject matter, bold comparisons, and searing color has elevated him to a leader in his field, of representing Native Americans in striking symbolic portraits, Nieto is exhibited worldwide and has had paintings accepted for the Presidential library.His time in Paris also exposed him to another strong influence – Expressionism, where the sub-consciousness of artists manifested itself on canvas.

He has produced bronze sculptures, etchings, lithographs and silk- screen prints, in addition to drawings in pastel crayons and charcoal. The past several years, however, have been devoted almost exclusively to painting.

John Nieto calls himself an American artist who paints Indians, not an Indian artist.


High Noon  |  9929 Venice Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90034  |  |  (310) 202-9010

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