Birth place or City of origin: | Stanley |
State of origin: | NM |
Last known City: | |
Last known State: | |
Start/Birth date: | |
Death/End date: |
Frank is a working cowboy who team ropes, keeps a few cows, and builds bits and spurs in his spare time. In 2002, Frank decided to attend one of Jerry Cates’ one-week workshops where he learned the basics of the art.
Lawrence credits Jerry Cates, Terry Alward, and Kevin Burns as influences of his spur making. He continues to enjoy experimenting with various styles and techniques. In 2005, Lawrence attended an engraving course and has adapted what he calls a “wriggle similar to Kelly.”
Lawrence makes distinctive working spurs squarely in the Texas style tradition. He enjoys using classic leaf and flower patterns with silver and copper overlays.