blue and white lines

William Harold (Bill) Barber

Birth place or City of origin: Glendale
State of origin: CA
Last known City: Liberty
Last known State: UT
Start/Birth date: 1940
Death/End date:

Bill Barber is a realist sculptor and painter of the West of the past and present. In his teenage years, he had experiences as a horse breaker, fisherman, and prospector. He grew up exposed to Spanish influences, and enjoys adventures.

Barber currently resides in Liberty, Utah. He is an award-winning sculptor and painter whose goal is to depict the magic and history of the American West: "to tell a story and put his subjects into mood, lighting, or places that move the spirit." His bronze sculptures are designed to have action or gestures that are natural and flowing, and included among these works are ones with titles and forms that depict that western heritage and style: Prospector, Horse Wrangler, and Cowboy.

His art focus also pulled him into motion pictures where he held positions as Prop Master, Actor, Art Director, Wrangler, and Award-Winning Producer. Bill considers movie sets the ultimate three-dimensional art and his work in film a great blessing and learning experience. He also has done a lot of documentaries and National Geographic specials.

2002-First Place at Grand Champion Silver Spurs at the Winnemucca Roundup Show
2002-Silver Snaffle Bit Award

Submitted by Justin Barber, son of the artist, August 2003


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