blue and white lines

Robert Tackabery

Birth place or City of origin: Fort Worth
State of origin: TX
Last known City:
Last known State:
Start/Birth date: 1850s
Death/End date: 1880s

One of the earliest known and documented Texas makers, Tackabery (often misspelled with two R's) was in business in the Ft. Worth area for about 35 years from the early 1850s until the mid-1880s. They made a limited variety of high quality cowboy gear that included saddles, saddlebags and gun leather all with a relatively simple carved border and occasional floral stamping. Tackabery's mark utilized a bold 3" oval cartouche with a stylized stamped perimeter and the word MAKER prominently displayed in similar fashion to their San Francisco counterparts of the same era.


High Noon  |  9929 Venice Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90034  |  |  (310) 202-9010

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